Projet PRO

Since 40 years, InfOR-emploi pursue 3 crucial missions for students :

  • Raise awareness on job market
  • Better promote professional integration
  • Help with the redevelopment of your career

Since 2018, those 3 missions have been summarized in a project, that of give to each student tools in order to lead a clear reflection about their professional project. Projet PRO, of French inspiration, consists of an effective methodology aimed at achieving those goals :

Projet Pro goals :

  • Allow students to reflect during their program on their professional project and thus give meaning to their studies.
  • Give tools to students in order to develop knowledge about the job market and their opportunities at the end of their program
  • Make students aware of the importance of networks in the professional world

What is Projet PRO?

Projet PRO is a 5-steps methodology based on the scientific research ;

  • Personal reflection on their professional project
  • Documentary research and analysis (programs, job descriptions, skills repository, job offers, testimonials, etc.)
  • Exchange and sharing of experiences among students
  • Interviews and meetings with professionals
  • Oral and written work, at first individual and then in groups
In collaboration with various actors in the faculty and depending on the time commitment, the program is adapted to meet the specific needs of the students. (See below for examples)

Projet PRO record

Concretely, out of all the faculties approached, four faculties joined the project with the desire to strengthen their faculty skills in terms of support for the professional integration of their students:

  • Since October 2019 in the Faculty of Architecture +/15 “Master 2” students have followed a Projet PRO program of 8 sessions of 2h for a value of 4 credits within the ‘Design Thinking’ option.

Click the link to access a presentation of the module offered to students:  Part 1 - Part 2

  • Since February 2020 in Labour Studies +/ 110 students of Master 2 (time shifted) have followed a Projet PRO program of 6 sessions in Charleroi and in Bruxelles for a value of 5 credits within in the course "Strategy of actors, networks , and local development”

Click on the link to access a presentation of the module offered to students: Part 1 - Part 2

Since September 2021, the pedagogical team as well as professors from the BA in biomedical sciences have presented us a 3-year PRO Project program offering progressive reflection around your professional project throughout the bachelor's degree course.

In this beginning of 2022, the students of the first and second year of BA have the chance of benefit from this project with :

  • In BA1 : Presentation of the project, construction of a job list and interviews with a professional
  • In BA2 : Job research method and reflection on your skills

Expected in 2023

In BA3: Research of specific companies, writing of your CV & cover letter, preparation for job interviews.

Another entity has begun an in-depth reflection with a view to introducing Project PRO modules from 2021.

  • The multipurpose BA1 in Biological Sciences (Charleroi), Prof. Sophie Uzureau will explain us what could be envisaged in 2021: Watch « 5 NOV Matinée d'information Projet PRO - Vers une meilleure insertion professionnelle des étudiant.e.s » | Microsoft Strea
  • The pedagogical team as well as professors from the BA in biomedical sciences present  the beginnings of a Project PRO program of three years with a progressive reflection around one's professional project throughout the bachelor's degree.

Click on the link to access the presentation :

Mentoring Project

On the initiative of the UAE (l'Union des ancien étudiants de l'ULB), in partnership with InfOR-Emploi, ULB Alumni, the SSE and Backstage.Network, around a hundred professionally active alumni have decided to become "mentors" and offer support and informal guidance to students and young graduates who need it. Each mentor thus commits to give you advice and support you in order to best prepare your (future) entry into the labour market.

Here are the different possible supports offered by the mentors :

  • Moral support and self-confidence
  • Understanding and study of an academic subject
  • Methodology and work organization
  • Choice of orientation and professional projection
  • Networking and sharing of contacts and opportunities

Once the pairs have been matched, they will be put in touch and followed by our partner to ensure that the pair works properly. At its end, feedback will be asked to Mentors and Mentees in order to improve the project.

This project, currently in the pilot phase, will start in the coming months with the creation of around fifty pairs of alumni / students - young graduates. We hope to be able to perpetuate it and expand it as much as possible in the long run.